Nov 3, 2021

170 Lights Installed and Security Patrols Active on SoPac Trail

As a followup to our update earlier this year, we are honored to be able to share that 170 lights have been installed on the SoPac trail. Midtown Improvement District has invested $122,000 in this $490,000 improvement also made possible with funding from City of Dallas.

Midtown Improvement District has been approved by City of Dallas as manager of the SoPac Trail. 

This management includes security, improvements and the additions of amenities for this intraurban trail connector to many other active trails in the midtown Dallas trail system.

Each day, through the Midtown Improvement District's management of the trail, the SoPac is patrolled by Midtown Blues security team, working in close collaboration with Dallas Police Department Northeast Patrol.

Enhancements to the trail, led by Midtown Public Improvement District SoPac Trail Committee, are currently underway.

Midtown Improvement District is also working with the Park and Recreation Department at City of Dallas to improve visibility and access to the SoPac Trail along Pineland for safety of all who use the trail as a key path for transportation and recreation.

Other SoPac Improvements include design and establishment of trail heads and other features to be announced that will connect the community further with this beautiful space and pathway that highlights nature.   Midtown is working to secure additional funding for improvements through public and private sources. 

For more background on the exciting SoPac Trail in Midtown, click here.



Crews worked throughout Summer 2021 to install the lighting on SoPac Trail.

The Midtown Blues security team patrols the SoPac Trail daily.


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